Information for the Model-2 Robot Trainer
Description: The model-2 is an affordable robot trainer designed for education.
- Laser-cut chassis
- Arduino nano processor
- Ultrasonic distance sensor
- Spread spectrum radio transciever
- Piezo-buzzer
- Servo driven wheels
- Pre-programmed with examples
- Includes programming cable
The FCW designed part of the system is Open Source Hardware and Software ( GPL 2 ). Some of the libraries from third parties may have a different license.
The software system is based on NilRTOS
( )
which is a small real-time operating system for the AVR based arduinos. Each of the functions needed by the robot ( read button, read sonar, read/write radio, move, etc.) are implemented as NilRTOS threads. The version of NilRTOS used for the included software is included in the libraries.
Use as an Arduino Trainer
The Model-2 can be used as an Arduino Trainer by unplugging the servos and radio to free up pins. Triple headers can be soldered to the pads on the board to allow direct connection to the arduino pins.
Model-2-Robot-20150215 zip containing all the files
Model-2-Documentation-20150215 manual and docs
Model-2-Hardware-20150215 Drawings, circuit and pcb
Model-2-Source-code-20150220 Arduino source and libraries
- The Arduino tool is suggested for compilation
- The schematic is incomplete due to footprints
- The PCB was done with Fritzing ( )
- The “breadboard” view should be ignored
Check back periodically for additional software and accessories.