FCW members who are willing to share public information:
Rich G.
Position: co-Founder, Charter Member
Town: Granite Falls
Occupation: Retired Programmer
Skills: Programming, woodworking, CNC, machining, electronics, microcontrollers
Interests: Programming, woodworking, CNC, machining, electronics, microcontrollers
Joined to be with other makers |
Colin R.
Position: co-Founder, Charter Member, President
Town: Granite Falls
Occupation: Retired electrical / satellite telecommunications engineer
Skills: Ham Radio, woodworking, RF electronics
Interests: discovering how “things work and how to repair them when they do not”
Why Joined: to learn more about computer and network technology |
Michelle S.
Position: co-Founder, Charter Member, Treasurer, Webmaster
Town: Lenoir, NC
Occupation: Retired College Instructor, EE, Programmer
Skills: Electronics, Computers, Networks, Programming, Chemistry, Math, Microcontrollers, Industrial Control
Interests: All Sciences, Electronics, Music, Photography.
Joined to encourage STEM locally
Ross W.
Position: Member
Town: Clarmont
Occupation: CNC router programmer, IT, furniture
Skills: Woodworking, microcontrollers, CAD, artistic design
Interests: Stage props/costumes, electronics, Ham Radio, Halloween
Why Joined: to be with like minded people |
Gene C.
Position: Charter Member
Town: Granite Falls, NC
Occupation: Retired, Electrical Engineer, ESD Control Engineer
Skills: Electrostatic discharge control
Interests: Model Raliroading, Rail Fanning, Woodworking, Model Building
Joined to make the railroad available
Gene is looking for people to get involved in scenery making and model building. |
Oscar K..
Position: Secretary
Town: Boone, NC
Occupation: Computer Security Administrator
Skills: Programming, CS, Electronics
Interests: Computers, Electronics, Ham Radio, Education, Networks.
Joined to share skills and learn new ones. |
A Hackerspace/Makerspace for the NC Foothills
Foothills Community Workshop Makers:
As you know a Raspberry Pi generates oodles of data that can be used to help you debug problems and analyze what you just built.
Need away to instantly stream, save and visualize your Raspberry Pi data?
Then we invite you and your fellow hackers and makers to participate in our upcoming free Beta by clicking:
Look forward to your participation and feedback!
Raymond Jacobs
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