Intro to 3D Printing Class – Nov 17 …

Prusa i3Mk2 Printers

FCW will be offering an Introduction to 3D Printing class/workshop on Thursday, November 17 from 6-9PM.   Topics include: types of 3d printers, sources for models, operation of the printers,  possible problems, using the slicer software, and things to look for or avoid when purchasing a 3d printer.

FCW has 10 3d printer workstations so the attendance is limited to 10 (unless willing to share a printer).  Additional dates will be scheduled handle any overflow.

To reserve a spot, send email to with contact info, number of persons attending and if your group is willing to share printers.

Location is at FCW:  141 N. Main St.,  Granite Falls, NC.  Parking is at the rear of the building and is accessible from Summit St.

This  Class is Free and Open to the Public.