UPDATE: Classes continue for the Summer. Intro to Arduinos will continue on July 15 and August 5 and 19. Like Unix will be on July 22 and August 26 (Note no meeting on August 12).
NEW Class: Since July has 5 Thursdays, FCW will have an Intro to 3D printing session on July 29 from 6-9PM. This session will introduce 3d printing, using the printers, and sources of models. A future class will be on design. This class is free and open to the public.
Check the resources link for the specific class to see if any materials are needed for the virtual version.
We are using Google Meet for the virtual portions. The link information is below. Be sure to check back before the session to see if the link has changed.
To join the video meeting, click this link: https://meet.google.com/etm-icwb-ind
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 315-752-6906 and enter this PIN: 120 378 332#
To view more phone numbers, click this link: https://tel.meet/etm-icwb-ind?hs=5
FCW is pleased to announce that classes/training/workshops will resume this month. We are starting off with an Intro to Arduinos class on Thursday, March 18. This will meet at 7PM for 2 hours on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month and will cover the hardware, programming, and applications of the Arduino microcontroller. A description is here. It is an “in person” class.
On the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month the Like Unix sessions will resume. It will meet at 7PM for 90 minutes and cover topics for Unix and unix like systems including Minux, Linux, BSD, IRIX, Solaris, AIX, and Mac-Os (shell). This will be an “in person” and virtual class,
We are still practicing social distancing so the limits are 10, for now. Both classes are free and open to the public. For more info contact info@foothillscommunityworkshop.org.