Category Archives: Workshops/classes

Intro to 3D Printing Class – Nov 17 …

Prusa i3Mk2 Printers

FCW will be offering an Introduction to 3D Printing class/workshop on Thursday, November 17 from 6-9PM.   Topics include: types of 3d printers, sources for models, operation of the printers,  possible problems, using the slicer software, and things to look for or avoid when purchasing a 3d printer.

FCW has 10 3d printer workstations so the attendance is limited to 10 (unless willing to share a printer).  Additional dates will be scheduled handle any overflow.

To reserve a spot, send email to with contact info, number of persons attending and if your group is willing to share printers.

Location is at FCW:  141 N. Main St.,  Granite Falls, NC.  Parking is at the rear of the building and is accessible from Summit St.

This  Class is Free and Open to the Public.

Classes Continue

UPDATE:  Classes continue for the Summer.  Intro to Arduinos will continue on July 15 and August 5 and 19.  Like Unix will be on July 22 and August 26 (Note no meeting on August 12).

NEW Class:  Since July has 5 Thursdays, FCW will have an Intro to 3D printing session on July 29 from 6-9PM.  This session will introduce 3d printing, using the printers, and sources of models.  A future class will be on design.  This class is free and open to the public.

Check the resources link for the specific class to see if any materials are needed for the virtual version.

We are using Google Meet for the virtual portions.  The link information is below.   Be sure to check back before the session to see if the link has changed.

To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 315-752-6906 and enter this PIN: 120 378 332#
To view more phone numbers, click this link:

FCW is pleased to announce that classes/training/workshops will resume this month.  We are starting off with an Intro to Arduinos class on Thursday, March 18.  This will meet at 7PM for 2 hours on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month and will cover the hardware, programming, and applications of the Arduino microcontroller.  A description is here.  It is an “in person” class.

On the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month the Like Unix sessions will resume.  It will meet at 7PM for 90 minutes and cover topics for Unix and unix like systems including Minux, Linux, BSD, IRIX, Solaris, AIX, and Mac-Os (shell).  This will be an “in person” and virtual class,

We are still practicing social distancing so the limits are 10, for now.  Both classes are free and open to the public.  For more info contact


Physical Meetings Cancelled — Covid 19

In order to help prevent the spread of the Covid 19 virus. All Physical meetings of FCW are cancelled until further notice.  This includes the regular Tuesday and Saturday meetings; the GDG and Like Unix groups; and any classes/workshops.

Members may still work on projects on an individual basis as long as social distancing is practiced.

Provisions are being made for Virtual meetings.  Additional information will be forthcoming.

Ham Radio Tech Class – Jan 2020 – VE exams Feb 1

FCW will be hosting an Amateur Radio (Ham) entry level Techician Class in January 2020.  This class will prepare participants to take the Technician exam, which will be offered at the end of the class.

 The  sessions will concentrate on the more difficult portions of the exam.  The instructor is Gary Schwartz

Class #1 Sat Jan 11, 9:30-12

Class#2 Sat Jan 18, 9:30-12

Class#3 Sat Jan 25,  9:30-12

Exam: Sat Feb 1, 10 AM

The sessions will be held at FoothillsCommunity Workshop, 141North Main Street, GraniteFalls, NC 28630

The class and all materials are free and will be available online for downloading.  This class is open to the public.

The exam fee is $10. The exam is at all levels and is available to anyone wishing to obtain or upgrade an Amateur Radio license.

For more information, contact or call 828-754-5002


Robotics Club Meeting at FCW

Alex instructs the Catawba Valley Robotics group

Alex is meeting with the Catawba Valley Robotics Club at FCW on Wednesday evenings from 5PM until around 8PM.  This group is composed of children of Elementary and Middle School age and uses the Lego robotics components.  The group competes in contests involving tasks for autonomous (self controlled) robots.

Any kids in the age range, and their parents are welcome to attend.

Classes Resume: Ham Radio Technician Class

FCW will conduct a condensed Ham Radio Technician License class on Saturday, September 9, from 9AM to 3PM at the Caldwell County Public Library, Room 5 in Lenoir.  This class will cover the more difficult aspects of the entry level Technician exam.  Topics covered will include:

  • Electromagnetic waves
  • Electrical Fundamentals
  • Electronics components and circuits
  • Station setup and operation
  • Antennas and propagation
  • Modes of operation
  • Units and the metric system
  • Safety
  • Some rules and regulations

Since this is a condensed class, participants will be expected to view some videos and do practice exams on-line.  A schedule for the test will be determined at the class.

This class is free and open to the public.  Contact Michelle, ( or 828-754-5002 for more information.

Wood turning Classes

Rick will be conducting classes in Wood Turning on the 3rd Saturday of each month  from 10AM – 2PM.   Beginners are welcome at any session.  Besides the basics, each session will concentrate on methods to create specific items, such as bowls, plates, goblets, table legs, etc.  Advanced topics will also be covered.

Space is limited.  For more information or to reserve a slot, contact

This class is Free and Open to the Public.

Arduinos for Railroads – March 18 1-3PM

Instructor:  Gene Chase

Foothills Community Workshop, Granite Falls, NC

March 18, 2017, 1pm to 3pm in the classroom

Introduction to Microcontrollers

The Arduino Uno – Microcontroller Bread Board: An open–source platform used for building electronic projects of all kinds.

Programming the Arduino for Model Railroad Applications

1. At Grade Crossing Flashing Warning Lights, a simple Arduino Uno project for Model Railroaders.

2. At Grade Crossing Flashing Warning Lights, Safety Gates and Bell with approaching train detection.

Optional Program

There is a possibility that we could provide laptops and Arduino kits for each attendee so there could some hands-on programming for more of the class time. (Dependent on class size, maximum of 14-Attendees)

Intro to Soldering Class – Feb. 26 @ 3PM

FCW will be having an Introduction to Soldering Class on Sunday, February 26 at 3PM for approx 2.5 hours. The class will provide instruction in “Through-the-Hole” Soldering, using temperature controlled soldering stations. Each participant will solder a project — a small siren, which can be taken home. There is a service charge to cover materials of $10 and each participant should bring a 9V battery for the project. This class is open to the public. For more information contact

Ham Radio Tech Class – Jan 13, 20, 27

FCW will host a class to prepare anyone interested in obtaining an entry level Amateur Radio license.  The class will meet on three Fridays, January 13, 20, and 27 from 6PM to 8:30PM.


Topics include:

  • FCC rules and regulations
  • Electromagnetic (radio) waves
  • Basic Electronics
  • Setting up an Amateur Radio station
  • Station operation
  • Antennas and Propagation
  • Safety
  • Preparation for the Technician level exam.

There is no text required.  All materials will be handed out or online.  The class is free and open to the public.

Contact  Michelle,

for more information.