Once again, FCW via Amateur Radio station K4FCW will participate in Field Day from Saturday, June 27 at 2 PM thru Sunday, June 28 at 2 PM. Field Day was created by the ARRL and encourages Hams in North America to:
- Set up under emergency conditions
- Test equipment
- Promote Amateur Radio
- Socialize
- Practice contest techniques
Even though FCW is not a “portable” setup, it is not a normal station location. For 24 hours, participants will be contacting hams across North America (and a few other countries) to accumulate points in the contest.
If you are a ham, interested in ham radio, or just curious, this is a good opportunity to get on the air and see why many people still enjoy ham radio as a hobby or a public service.
The event starts at 2PM on Saturday. Drop by for a while and check out the activity. This event is free and open to the public.