FCW is pleased to announce the availability of an affordable robot trainer kit. The Model-2 was designed and fabricated at FCW with the idea of creating an affordable platform for a simple robot and embedded processors.
Features include:
- Arduino nano processor
- Laser cut chassis
- Ultrasonic “sonar” distance sensor
- Servo driven wheels
- Piezo-buzzer
- Radio for coordinated activites
- Includes manual and programming cable
- Pre-programmed with example programs
The Model-2 was created with education in mind and the first run of 50 is being used by Granite Falls Middle School and South Caldwell High School for technical oriented classes.
It includes an example set of programs that allow testing of the platform, a “roaming” function that avoids obstacles, and a sample “dance” to demonstrate swam action using the radio. It may be programmed using the Arduino tool http://arduino.cc/en/main/software with Windows, Linux, or Mac.
The retail price to the public is $39.95 with substantial discounts available for education. The project is open hardware and open software. Full plans will be available on the FCW website soon. Contact FCW for more details.
My son is in mr. Seldomridge class at GFMS. They recently visited you folks and my son came home with the robot
Is it possible to get the source code for the arduino nano?
Thank you!
I hope to have it on the website within the next few days. Support->Model-2. You will also need the arduino tool.
Understand completely.
Already working on raspberry PI, as I’m familiar with Linux.
Looking forward to learning about arduino!!
Thank you so much!!
Initial files are available. The Arduino too works fine on Linux. Just be sure that you are in the “dialout” group.