Category Archives: Events

Ham Radio Field Day – 2017

Once again, FCW via Amateur Radio station K4FCW will participate in Field Day from Saturday,  June 24 at 2 PM thru Sunday, June 25 at 2 PM.  Field Day was created by the ARRL and encourages Hams in North America to:

  • Set up under emergency conditions
  • Test equipment
  • Promote Amateur Radio
  • Socialize
  • Practice contest techniques

Even though FCW is not a “portable” setup, it is not a normal station location.  For 24 hours, participants will be contacting hams across North America (and a few other countries) to accumulate points in the contest.

If you are a ham, interested in ham radio, or just curious, this is a good opportunity to get on the air and see why many people still enjoy ham radio as a hobby or a public service.

The event starts at 2PM on Saturday.  Drop by for a while and check out the activity.  This event is free and open to the public.

Open House, June 2, 5-9PM and June 3, 10AM-6PM

FCW will have a Spring Open House on Friday, June 2, 5-9PM and Saturday, June 3,  10AM-6PM.   Though visitors are welcome at any time, at the open houses an extra effort is made to present what FCW has to offer.

At the Open House:

  • There will be food – burgers and hotdogs on Fri, regular meal on Sat.
  • The Railroad will be operating.
  • Demos will be in the Electronics and Science areas.
  • The laser cutter will be operating.
  • The Ham station will be operating.
  • There will be tours and activities.
  • There will be special membership offers.

Areas available for use at FCW include:

  • A machine shop with CNC mill
  • A wood shop with 2 CNC routers and traditional tools.
  • An electronics shop.
  • A Ham Radio station (K4FCW)
  • A Science Lab for Chemistry, Physics, and Biology and support.
  • A Stagecraft shop for props, sets, costumes, SFX, lights, sound.
  • A HO scale model railroad
  • A technical library
  • A Fabrication lab with laser cutter and 3d printer.
  • A vintage computer museum.
  • A classroom.

Things are always changing at FCW.  The woodshop has been overhauled, the Science Lab and Stagecraft shops are close to starting up, new machines have been added to the computer museum, and the electronics area has expanded.  There is also new equipment provided by grants and some exciting plans for the near future.

For more information contact info@foothillscommuntiyworkshop or call (828) 351-2551.

FCW is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

FCW Open House, Dec 16, 17

Open house dec 2012-1FCW will be having an Open House on Friday, December 16 from 5-9PM and Saturday, Decamber 17 from 10AM to 6PM.  Though visitors are welcome any time, at the open houses we make a special effort to display the many areas of FCW.  There will be:

  • Food
  • Demonstrations of various equipment including the laser cutter and CNC routers.
  • Tours
  • Activities
  • Special membership deals
  • the  railroad wil be operating
  • the Ham radio station will demonstrate digital modes
  • there will be displays in the electronics and science areas

The Open House is free to the public.   Here is a poster for those who would like to assist with “spreading the word” open-house-half-poster-1-201612


CS-First Class: Storytelling, June 15,16

FCW is pleased to host a Google CS-First session on Wednesday, June 15 and Thursday, June 16 from 4PM – 8:30PM.   CS First is a free program that increases student access and exposure to computer science (CS) by using the block based Scratch language from MIT.

The program is intended for ages 9-14.  The class and materials are free.   More information on CS-First can be found at  .   To reserve a slot or get additional information, contact Michelle at or (828) 754-5002.

Spring Open House – June 3-4

Open house dec 2012-1FCW will be having an OPEN HOUSE on Friday, June 3 from 5PM – 9PM and Saturday, June 4 from 10AM – 6PM.

Though visitors are welcome at FCW any time someone is there, at the open houses, extra effort is expended to promote the facilities, expertise and equipment available and the benefits of joining FCW.   At the open house there will be:

  • Demos of multiple machines, the laser cutter, 3d printer, CNC router, robots.
  • Tours of the facility.
  • Displays in the science  and electronics areas.
  • Demos of the Ham Radio station.
  • Persons operating the railroad.
  • Food and activities for all.
  • Special deals for membership.

Featured at this open house are the Science and Stagecraft areas being completed and the re-structured woodshop.

Invite your friends, associates, co-workers, family, anyone who may be interested in Science, Engineering, Technology or Arts.  The open house is free and open to the public.

Here is a poster for the open house.  It should be printed then cut in half to form two posters.    Open-house-half-poster-1-201606-small

Open House, Dec 11 and 12

OpenHouse-Dec2014FCW will have an Open House on Friday, December 11, from 5-9PM and Saturday, December 12, from 10AM to 6PM.  Even though visitors are welcome at any time, at the open house FCW will have food and special demonstrations, including:

  • The Railroad will be operating
  • The Amateur Radio station  will be operating
  • There will be demos of the laser cutter, 3D printer, robots and CNC routers.

There will be food, tours of the space, demos, activities, and special offers.   New areas open include the science lab, the stagecraft shop, and a kid’s area.  The open house is free and open to the public.  Check the website or call 828-351-4225 for directions.

Ham Radio Field Day 2015

FD-2012-croppedOnce again, FCW via Amateur Radio station K4FCW will participate in Field Day from Saturday,  June 27 at 2 PM thru Sunday, June 28 at 2 PM.  Field Day was created by the ARRL and encourages Hams in North America to:

  • Set up under emergency conditions
  • Test equipment
  • Promote Amateur Radio
  • Socialize
  • Practice contest techniques

Even though FCW is not a “portable” setup, it is not a normal station location.  For 24 hours, participants will be contacting hams across North America (and a few other countries) to accumulate points in the contest.

If you are a ham, interested in ham radio, or just curious, this is a good opportunity to get on the air and see why many people still enjoy ham radio as a hobby or a public service.

The event starts at 2PM on Saturday.  Drop by for a while and check out the activity.  This event is free and open to the public.

FCW sponsors Google Event

Foothills Community Workshop sponsoring a Google I/O extended event at Howard Brewery, in Lenoir, on May 28th. Google I/O, it’s Google’s annual software development conference held in Mountain View, CA, and live streamed across the globe. Google will be streaming the event in Lenoir  for those who are interested in watching and participating. The event is free and open to the public.

When: May 28, 2015

Where:  Upstairs at Howard Brewery, Downtown Lenoir


Google, CCC&TI, ASU, Lenoir-Rhyne,  Foothills Community Workshop

What is Google I/O?

Google I/O is for developers—the creative coders who are building what’s next. Together we’ll explore the latest in tech, mobile & beyond.

I/O is two days of hands-on interaction with the latest technologies, inspirational talks and a few surprises in between.

What is Google I/O Extended?

I/O Extended events may include live streamed sessions, local developer demos, hackathons and more.

FCW Open House – May 22, 23



FCW will have an Open House on Friday, May 22, 5-9PM and Saturday, May 23, 10AM-6PM.

Even though visitors are welcome any time, at the Open Houses, every effort is made to ensure that all the interest areas are active and can be demonstrated.  Featured at this Open House are:

  • Food
  • The railroad will be operational
  • The Ham station will be operating with digital modes
  • Demos of the CNC routers, 3d printer and laser cutter
  • The Model-2 robot, designed and built for education
  • Games and activities
  • Special offers on membership

Also being shown are the start of our two latest areas: The Science Lab, and the Prop/Costume shop.

This event is free and open to the public.  Check the website for directions or call 828-351-HACK.

Open House, Dec 5, 6

Open house dec 2012-1It is time for the semi-annual Open House at FCW. This Christmas, the Open House is on Friday, Dec, 5 from 5-9 PM and Saturday, Dec 6, from 10AM to 6PM.

Though visitors are welcome at FCW any time, at the open houses we make special effort to show off the various areas to visitors.  This year, the railroad will be operating, sample projects will be on display, the electronics and K4FCW ham radio station will have activities, and there will be demos of the CNC routers, 3D printer, and laser cutter.


  • Food
  • Tours
  • Demonstrations
  • Games
  • Activites
  • Check out the additional space recently acquired
  • Active projects

Several items designed and built at FCW will be on sale and there will be special deals for new members.

This event is free and open to the public.  Call (828) 351-HACK for more information.

 Railroad-closeup-1-compIMG_2769-1024x768Openhouse dec 2012 CNC router demo 1