Intro to Soldering Class – Feb. 26 @ 3PM

FCW will be having an Introduction to Soldering Class on Sunday, February 26 at 3PM for approx 2.5 hours. The class will provide instruction in “Through-the-Hole” Soldering, using temperature controlled soldering stations. Each participant will solder a project — a small siren, which can be taken home. There is a service charge to cover materials of $10 and each participant should bring a 9V battery for the project. This class is open to the public. For more information contact

Ham Radio Tech Class – Jan 13, 20, 27

FCW will host a class to prepare anyone interested in obtaining an entry level Amateur Radio license.  The class will meet on three Fridays, January 13, 20, and 27 from 6PM to 8:30PM.


Topics include:

  • FCC rules and regulations
  • Electromagnetic (radio) waves
  • Basic Electronics
  • Setting up an Amateur Radio station
  • Station operation
  • Antennas and Propagation
  • Safety
  • Preparation for the Technician level exam.

There is no text required.  All materials will be handed out or online.  The class is free and open to the public.

Contact  Michelle,

for more information.


FCW Open House, Dec 16, 17

Open house dec 2012-1FCW will be having an Open House on Friday, December 16 from 5-9PM and Saturday, Decamber 17 from 10AM to 6PM.  Though visitors are welcome any time, at the open houses we make a special effort to display the many areas of FCW.  There will be:

  • Food
  • Demonstrations of various equipment including the laser cutter and CNC routers.
  • Tours
  • Activities
  • Special membership deals
  • the  railroad wil be operating
  • the Ham radio station will demonstrate digital modes
  • there will be displays in the electronics and science areas

The Open House is free to the public.   Here is a poster for those who would like to assist with “spreading the word” open-house-half-poster-1-201612


CS-First Class: Storytelling, June 15,16

FCW is pleased to host a Google CS-First session on Wednesday, June 15 and Thursday, June 16 from 4PM – 8:30PM.   CS First is a free program that increases student access and exposure to computer science (CS) by using the block based Scratch language from MIT.

The program is intended for ages 9-14.  The class and materials are free.   More information on CS-First can be found at  .   To reserve a slot or get additional information, contact Michelle at or (828) 754-5002.

Spring Open House – June 3-4

Open house dec 2012-1FCW will be having an OPEN HOUSE on Friday, June 3 from 5PM – 9PM and Saturday, June 4 from 10AM – 6PM.

Though visitors are welcome at FCW any time someone is there, at the open houses, extra effort is expended to promote the facilities, expertise and equipment available and the benefits of joining FCW.   At the open house there will be:

  • Demos of multiple machines, the laser cutter, 3d printer, CNC router, robots.
  • Tours of the facility.
  • Displays in the science  and electronics areas.
  • Demos of the Ham Radio station.
  • Persons operating the railroad.
  • Food and activities for all.
  • Special deals for membership.

Featured at this open house are the Science and Stagecraft areas being completed and the re-structured woodshop.

Invite your friends, associates, co-workers, family, anyone who may be interested in Science, Engineering, Technology or Arts.  The open house is free and open to the public.

Here is a poster for the open house.  It should be printed then cut in half to form two posters.    Open-house-half-poster-1-201606-small

FCW Library Gets New Look

Library-201601-1-smallSince the inception of FCW, we have had a small technical library.  It has been in contained in some old shelves in the common area.  During December, Kay constructed new shelving specifically for the library in the classroom — a more appropriate location.  The new shelves also have considerably more room.  Dan, Rich, Michelle, and Derek, among others, have contributed several books to the library, with more to come.

Topics include:

General Science (Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Biology), Math, Machining, Metallurgy, Ham Radio, Construction, Masonry, Wood Working, Cabinet Making, Wood Turning, Electronics (Fundamentals, Analog, Digital), Microprocessors, Operating Systems, Web Design, Networks, Computers, Security, Programming Languages, Computer Applications, Spoken Languages, Geek Fiction/Non-Fiction, Technical History, several periodicals and other topics of interest to the members.

We are working on organizing the library and developing guidelines for use.

Open House, Dec 11 and 12

OpenHouse-Dec2014FCW will have an Open House on Friday, December 11, from 5-9PM and Saturday, December 12, from 10AM to 6PM.  Even though visitors are welcome at any time, at the open house FCW will have food and special demonstrations, including:

  • The Railroad will be operating
  • The Amateur Radio station  will be operating
  • There will be demos of the laser cutter, 3D printer, robots and CNC routers.

There will be food, tours of the space, demos, activities, and special offers.   New areas open include the science lab, the stagecraft shop, and a kid’s area.  The open house is free and open to the public.  Check the website or call 828-351-4225 for directions.

Arduino Class

Arduino-class-20151114FCW held an “Arduino for Beginners” class on Saturday, November 14 to a packed classroom.  Sixteen participants used the new computers and Arduino trainer boards to become familiar with the popular embedded processor platform.  Rich was the instructor and guided them through the basics of the Auduino, use of the IDE and an introduction to the C language variant used.  The participants were able to see how to use LED’s, an RC servo, an audible buzzer, and an ultrasonic distance sensor in “hands-on” experiments.

There were additional people on a waiting list for this class so a repeat of this class has been scheduled for December 19, from 11AM-3PM.

Recent Woodshop Updates

A lot has been happening with the FCW woodshop lately, primarily in the manual equipment area.  In late Summer, a Slide Miter Saw was donated.Slide-mitersaw-small  A short time later, several members donated money to purchase a wood lathe.  Harbor-freight-wood-lathe-smallThis lathe, along with lathes loaned by Rick, Dave, and Colin, will be used for woodturning classes, and, of course, it will be available for general use by members and guests.  Then, in late September, the opportunity arose to purchase an industrial 20″ bandsaw.  20in-bandsaw-smallAgain, the members came through with funds and, after much grunting and wheezing, the bandsaw arrived.  It needs cleaning, painting and wiring but was tested before purchase and works well.

Finally, in October, a Woodmaster 18″ planer/molder and 18″ drum sander were donated and picked up. Woodmaster-Planer-small Like the bandsaw, they need wiring.  The woodshop crew: Rick, Ross, Kay, Dave, and Gary Woodmaster-sander-smallwill be laying out the shop over the next few weeks so that wiring should begin around Christmas.  Many thanks to all those who donated time, money, equipment and muscle to obtain and move these machines.  They should greatly enhance the capabilities of the woodshop.

Visitors from Abroad

Chris-and-Angel-from-ChinaMeet Chris and Angel.  They currently live in China but were visiting Chris’  relatives in Lenoir recently and stopped by FCW for a visit.   Their work takes them all over the world and they try to visit hackerspaces and makerspaces wherever they go.  Having visited numerous spaces so far, they spent some time relating to us what other hackerspace and makerspaces were doing.  They were impressed with FCW, both with the size, expertise, and variety of the shops that we have.  Chris commented that thus far, FCW is the only space that they have visited that had both a model railroad and an Amateur Radio station.  We wish them safe journeys.

A Hackerspace/Makerspace for the NC Foothills